
Sleeps, I needs it.

Originally I had intended to blab about Tuffie's dramatic entry into my life, and how our symbiotic relationship formed (she being the parasite, I being the host :P). But I underestimated the time needed to make my photos presentable (my camera is a very stubborn device) therefore...that story will be for another time. For now I will join her Tuffiness in sleep recreation...losing coherence...

Winnie signing offzzzt.

Tip-toeing along...

Hmmm, welcome to Every Day is Caturday, where I aim to post at least 1 photo of Tuffie enjoying the good life everyday. I am horrible with words, so I'll just let the images do the work.

In case anyone is wondering "Caturday" is a fusion of cat and Saturday. It is a term most frequently found on sites like or (I really suggest checking those sites out for some animal inspired mirth). Creatures of the domestic feline persuasion seem to have a knack for utter relaxation of the most obscene kind; let's review:

This is Tuffie, whom you will be seeing a lot more of as she is the main star of this blog :). Stage 1 of relaxation. - still retaining some grace and not completely boneless yet. Give 1 minute:
You can see now relaxation is complete and the cat should have the consistency of a limp bowl of oatmeal if you try to pick her up. I am always amused (and horrified) at the alacrity that a cat can transform from such a sleek, sophisticated pet to a dormant lump of meat. Thus every day I will post photo documentation of the ways Tuffie pays homage to the term Caturday. Of course it won't be just Tuffie 24/7, a few other cats, some bettas and my ex guinea pig will make guest appearances when the posts gets too catty.

...ok, I'll admit. I just want to make use of the 1000+ photos I have of this fuzzy lump sleeping. I suppose if I have to be exposed to this kind of grotesque relaxation everyday then the internets should suffer too >:D