Story of Tuffie: The Beginning

During early July, a scrawny little cat suddenly appeared at my doorstep, which is very odd as I live in an apartment 12 floors up. Of course someone could have carried the cat up or she could have used the elevator while a person was operating it...nonetheless I did recognize this cat as a new stray that has caught my eye 3 days earlier. As I didn't have any food for her and mom wasn't too keen about keeping a stray I had to bring her downstairs again. :( The cat wasn't too keen on the idea either and kept trying to get in the house. It ws then that I decided to buy cat food to feed her.

When I finally got around to buying the food it was Saturday, I went to search for her and found her hiding in a box accompanied by another blue-eyed white cat (I later learned this was her son). When I saw her a few days ago she at least had some meat on her frame, now she was very emaciated. I was quite worried as she also had difficulty walking, and would just drag her hind legs around. It looked as if her hindquarters were paralysed. She was in pain and swatted me when I tried to touch her back paws, but had a big appetite.

She was also very dehydrated and drank a great deal when I gave her the water bowl, after eating and drinking she immediately went and hid in her box. That night I discussed with my dad, and the next morning we went with a fresh box and brought her home with us :) Since the vet was closed on Sundays we had to wait for Monday to bring her for a check up and see what we should do with her back injury.

First day in the house, and already acting like a diva ;)
I gave her a small tub of water that she promptly polished off.

Skinny and dirty, but oh so contented.

We got her to the vet in on Monday, he gave her a general check up and also prescribed painkillers for her injured paw as well as a food supplement with calcium. It was likely she was trod upon or hit by a bicycle; the pain caused her to hide and she probably ate poorly or not at all. She was like a fur wrapped skeleton, I wonder how long she would have lasted if she had been left downstairs.

A rather amusing incident happened while I was pouring the litter for her toilet, a very wobbly, mewling cat ran as fast as she is able and adamantly insisted to use the litter box. It took some complicated maneuvers but she managed in the end and it was quite a long one -_- She must have been holding it in for AGES. Poor thing. Since we were totally unprepared to have a cat I appropriated my ex-hamster's cage bottom for the litter box. The sides were low so she can get in and out of it with more ease.

This is a week after the vet visit, she's finished the course of painkillers and can finally stand for short periods of time. She's still stick thin and very bloated at the gut area. But I had to restrict her feeding to 2 meals instead of giving her free run with the kibble as she does not stop eating! Understandable but uncontrolled feeding will likely make her more ill.

Cat relaxing after a hard day of sleeping, eating and more sleeping. She was given the moniker of 'Bones' at this time becasue of her skiny condition. Her back leg muscles were severely atrophied from disuse. It felt like bones in fur, no muscles or fat in between. But at least she can walk now.

To be continued tomorrow: The first instance of Caturday!

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