A Christmas Aftermath...

Whoo I got Christmas pressies! Very lucky of me considering I don't really celebrate Christmas, being a Buddhist and all. But hey tis the season to give and be merry so there's nothing wrong with that :D And of course receiving pressies means I've got to share them...

Dis bloodred heart, it has arms.

After taste and claw testing the plush heart, she went back to gnawing on her own plush belly.

Next up - cutestest beaded panda purse! Look at that intense gaze of extreme interest. Yawn :P

Aww she just fakin' :P That one got a couple of soft kronches.

3rd item is a book. Full of blank pages. Ready to be filled up with whatever creepy drawings I can muster. :D *evil cackles* Naw, it's too pretty...I'll keep it pristine, for now.

And I got a set of 4 bookmarks that did not photograph well at all. They are basedoff chinese opera masks and are of skinny shiny metal, total pain with my camera.

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