
What's dis? No Caturday for 3 days??! >:( Gah, a failed upgrade meant I wiped my machine :( Luckily I have my stuff backed up...but restoring all the programs and preferences are a pain. Not to mention I still have to get the OS upgraded at some point. Grrrr

Anyways, enough about Mac woes, here's some grade-A c-a-t:

Alright! Tuffie's got a collar now, courtesy of Sonia's mom :D I must say, the hot pink is very fetching on her! ;)

Ooooh yeah Caturday with my spanking new collarzzzZ.

I suspect she was already used to wearing a collar with a bell as she didn't make the slightest fuss, although she could have been distracted by the scent of $40+ iams food...also courtesy of Sonia's mom. She's spoiling my cat rotten! :P
*Tuffie says much thanks btw, she loves the food!*

Oh gosh, the pattern is too fitting. A puppy face. Soooo like the personality of the wearer. The owner is much amused. :)

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