Sunday Sucklings!

It was all quiet in the house. My mom walked past the dining table and happened to glance at the chair... first she couldn't believe her eyes...

What Cleo suckling?

Then Tuffie gave this look as if to say: "hell yeah" :D

These next batch of pics were taken my me a few days later:

Lick! Tuffie would clean Cleo ear to toes when she's suckling. Cleo also seems to have picked up some cleaning techniques from the Tuff. :)

The utter look of contentment.

Tuffie's gone to dreamland...Cleo's just barely hanging on...

Oh? There she goes too. Can't you just hear the collective purrs/snores?

lol, Parellel Sleepstyle

Must be nice having a warm cat udder on your forehead to lull you to sleep...

Look at that tail! Cleo's turning out to be quite the raccoon.

So yeah, guess we gotta keep the bugger now ;) They are like mother and kitten, wherever Tuff goes, Cleo follows. She's also picking up her mannerisms, guess there is truth to the term 'copycat'. Cleo's starting to sleep a lot too, and has a nice little pad of fat on her belly :P

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