Tuff Gave Us A Scare

About 3 weeks ago I suddenly noticed that Tuffie had a large lump on her left side of her back. Of course there was imminent panic, and feverish searchings on google to glean the cause. In the end I sorta suspected the vaccine (she was vaccinated with Leukocell just 2 weeks before), but it was still freaky. I couldn't wait so the very next morning I took her to Dr. Wallace, who did confirm that it was a reaction to the vaccine and there's nothing to worry about.


Now I am glad to report that the lump (originally a good 5cm in diameter) has now shrunk to less than a pea size. I'm so relieved that it wasn't a tumour... Anyways according to various sources it is not really advisable to vaccinate every year, especially with an indoor cat. Well we just picked up Cleo from the streets so I decided to get Tuff her booster. -_-

No photos this time, there will be a picspam coming sometime this weekend. I'm absolutely swamped with work. So here's a couple of links to vaccine types and reactions in cats. Enjoy:
Adverse Reactions to Vaccinations in Cats
Feline Vaccines: Benefits and Risks
Caring For Cats: Vaccination

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