Butt Scratchings!!!

It will always remain a mystery to me why some cats like their butts scratched/spanked... -_- Anyways here are some butt scratch faces presented by...Tuffie!

So good even the camera is slightly unfocused...

...pure bliss.

Close up of that face. :)

Cheeky Kitteh

Just this morning I was looking for Cleo before going to work. It was my dad who found her later, lounging in his closet, and he snapped the following shots:

From the rubbish dump to a soft bed of t-shirts...

Never knew my dad's wardrobe was so colourful.

Time for afternoon nap attack!

I've been busy updating my portfolio site: winniecheng.net, there's a whole slew of new stuff coming up!

Cleo's Illustration!

A sketch inspired by Cleo's ability to keep sleeping even though she is poked, prodded or shaken. She is one sound sleeper! :D
I then took it into Illustrator and vectorized it. Lots of fun and I'm quite liking the end result!

More about the work-in-progress can be found at Sketchy-Characters: Cleo Sketch W.I.P.


...Cleo's doing it right ;)


Gingero was my cousin's cat. He was large of girth, but somewhat lacking in courage. My earliest memory was of him running off (surprisingly fast for a cat his size) and hiding under the bed. It did not help that he had small years set on a small head set on a large body...

Gingero had a full 18 years of life, quite an age for a cat. Even with his advanced age his fur was still a vibrant orange, and his eyes looked sharp. These photos were taken last year when I went back to Malaysia for my cousin's wedding.

The only indication of age was how stiff his joints were.

Getting belly-rubbed.

A hefty sumo cat ;)

End of belly-rub.


Catching sunbeams.

He had the backyard all to himself. A happily retired cat.

My uncle and his family went for 'Qin Min' and left Gingero in the care of a neighbor. The neighbor found him dead with bits of fur all around and some blood, so it was hypothesized that he'd had a heart-attack while defending his territory...

Which prompted my uncle to quip: "He lived a coward, but died a hero." R.I.P. Gingero. He was a whole lotta cat.

Tuff & Cleo: A Progress Report

It has been almost 5 months since Cleo first joined us, and she has grown from a stubby little kitten to a stubborn lithe kitteh. Kitteh being the stage between wobbly kittenhood to sleek adulthood. Of course I just made that up ;P but you catch my drift.

Throughout all this Tuffie has been the patient foster-mother, enduring pranks and general kitten playfulness. These range from things such as fighting for pouf rights:

Tuffie was not eager to give up her comfortable seat.

A bit of teasing ensues, and Cleo hatches her plan.

After a flurry of chaos, Cleo claims victory. Tuffie then hatches her counter-attack...

Cleo is usually the instigator, attacking Tuffie when she is preparing to sleep, sunning herself etc.
Kitten attack!

Tuffie does not appreciate her butt being whacked and proceeds to pinch the heck out of Cleo. Cue kitten sounds of indignation. Also the perfect picture to illustrate the love/hate relationship between the two.

But of course it wasn't all bites and trying to claw each others' eyes out, there were frequent moments of tenderness, when you just wanna go "awwwwwwwww"

And also the sucklings:


Tuffie will clean Cleo whenever she is on the teat...

Closeup of kitten contentment.

Some attitude here - Tuffie is all like "What, want to make something of it?"

Streeetch. Look at the size of Cleo!

I just finished my stint in Shanghai, I was only gone for 10 days but it felt like forever! I missed the critters so much :) Glad to be home!