Cleo Gets Spayed

Time really flies, I didn't realize Cleo had passed the 6 month mark...she's around 8 months old now. We've had her since January :)

In any case it was about time to get her spayed. We had to cage her the previous night to fast her for the operation. Poor thing...

She was only caged when she was first brought up as a kitten, and for barely a week. So to be confined was terrible for her. She shredded the mat -_- Definitely the makings of a tigress...

Her spay date was on the 11th, a Saturday. Not many appointments at the vet that day, I was able to bring her back by 2pm. She was still woozy from the anesthetic, but that was to be expected.

Poor thing...all blur. And Tuffie did not help by being all hissy and huffy.

She didn't want to eat, and worried me a bit 'cause she was dehydrated. Managed to force her to take some water by dabbing her nose.

Tuffie started eating a bit the night she got back, then again that cat is gluttony embodied. Cleo really pulled a diva by refusing food until Sunday night....freaked me right out. -_- Today she is eating normally, her tummy has started to look less concave. But she used up her fat stores from her tail - it has definitely shrunk in size :P No worries, she'll gain that(and more!) back soon. :D

Lounging in the carrier. Still lethargic.

They really shaved a huge swathe of her belly! And it's all Barney-purple.

That red splotch is a bruise...thankfully it is gone now, and everything seems to be fine :)

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