Sephy Has Left US

Sephy was very lethargic on Sunday, she couldn't stand much and preferred to slump on the floor. The signs were not good and I rushed her to Anicare at 12 noon. The vet had bad news, Sephy was undernourished and has worms and the flu. The main sign was when she tried to meow and no sound would come out, indicating a sore throat with ulcers. She was given a jab (the needle was huge for that tiny body!) some deworm, amoxicillin and the prognosis that she will probably not make it.

Which came as a shock as she was all chipper and was doing well with the bottle. But she was so tiny and weak that any disease that strikes would be devastating to her developing system. We brought her home and tried the best we could with medications and force-feeding her, as she was too upset to eat.

Sephy got progressively skinnier and we could feel the bones right under her skin. I didn't think she would make it through the night bit she did, and managed to get rid of a HUGE white roundworm. I was a bit more positive with this, but while at work today my brother called at 9:45am to tell me Sephy has moved on.

It was heartbreaking as I had really hoped she would beat the odds and make it, but I guess she was just too young, and the loss of a mother added another stress upon her. Plus the worm and the flu was just too much for her to handle. We buried her out back, beside the house of my landlord, who kindly dug the grave for us. R.I.P. Sephy, you were only 4 weeks old and had to endure such suffering. :(

Still so minuscule...

Side shot of the stumpy kitten.

Her expressions range from wide-eyed bewilderment to curious bewilderment. :P

She was only 4x5 tiles big!


Closeup! I needed macro for this.

She had started to look better...

Those were a great 2 weeks, moving and warming up kitten formula the whole day, bottle feeding her, and cleaning up the mess afterwards.

I won't forget the 2 weeks when she brightened our lives with her squeaky mews and scrabbling on the side of her box to be let out. She will be missed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

poor shepy.....


R.I.P. shepy...

Winn, actually my kids & i were planned to take her home and meet Babe, Babe might breast feed sad, sephy gone too soon...she was so cute & beautiful.. *hugs* muahss...