Tale of 2 Kittens: Part 1/4

This is the long-overdue story of the 2 kittens - Dolce and Babes. Below is a recent shot of them playing on the sofa.
They were not always so glamorous, as is apparent in the photos below. Terribly cute though ;)

It all started when someone dumped their pregnant cat at the apartment... She birthed the kittens and kept them sheltered in a large potted fern downstairs.

In the beginning there were 4; a ginger, a tabby, a black and a black and white kitten. Quite the range of hues here. Comes from the mom's tortie/tabby looks I guess.

The ginger kitten was the most adventurous by far, and also the largest of the lot. At this point their eyes had just opened, so there was a lot of unfocused stumbling and trundling around.

And here we have Dolce, before he got upper respiratory infection that left him with crusty eyes.

Babes! Omg she's the cutest! She was the only female out of the litter, and also the tiniest kitten.

Babes chillin' with mommy.

Here Babesl is crashed out against her brother. Unfortunately, due to the ginger's adventurous nature, he was the first to cross over the drain to the parking lot, and got run over by a car :( His demise spurred me to think about fostering the remaining kittens.

Originally I intended to take all 3 kittens with me, but the tabby had been adopted by one of the workers so there was only Dolce and Babes left. One day I went down to feed them and it was raining. Mom cat was snug and dry under the roof, but the 2 kittens were out there shivering in the rain as they do not know how to cross the drain. I immediately brought them upstairs and kept them in the bathroom. Next day I went and got a cage for them.

Eventually I brought the mom cat up too, as she still had milk for them.

Kittens suckling! Later they would try to suck on my fingers too -_-

Awwww :D Getting washed by mom :)

I lost 2 rolls of toilet paper to these cheeky devils... -_-

I couldn't keep the mom cat as and Tuffie had an altercation (Tuff cat lost -_-) so in then end I had to bring her down again. :(

Anyways on to life with Babes and Dolce in Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4.

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