Abigail is Dead.

Abigail died on 19/12/08 at 9:20am after falling 12 floors from the garbage chute. She probably fell around 6am, as I heard the garbage truck rumbling past around 5am, and I could still hear her yowling. She was in heat so it was a constant source of her presence.

When I went to feed her at 7am something seemed odd, she did not come. She was confined to the end room as she and Tuffie did not get along. I was intending to get her spayed and then see the results, and find her a permanent home if Tuffie still rejects her.

The room was small, a little cluttered, but she was nowhere to be found. I checked high and low, and it only seemed possible that she could have gone down the garbage chute. The chute is set in the wall and has a lid, but she could have pulled the handle, opened the lid, and on jumping in the lid could close immediately. This is one of the times that I hoped my hunch was wrong, but I went downstairs to check anyways. I was relieved to find the dumpsters clean, but then I went out the garbage room and on the other corner there she was.

The workers had pulled her from the room when they heard her, she was bleeding from her nose and mouth, and her hind legs were skewed in odd positions. It was such a shock, and I was shaking badly. I told them to watch her and went to get a box immediately. We then rushed her to the only vet that was open at that time - MAH Veterinary Services. Even though it was in Muara and took half an hour to get there. By that time it was 8:30am. She kept crying and moving around, and I had hoped that she could be saved.

But I guess it was hoping for too much too fast, the vet confirmed that she has no broken bones, but is suffering from massive internal injuries. She said she could give her an IV drip, and when she is stronger give her antibiotics. That's when I knew Abbie could not be saved, but as a last ditch we agreed to the drip. Before the vet could start anything though, Abbie choked to death on her own blood. She stopped breathing and that was it.

It's bad enough that I cry when I lost my Betta fish, my guinea pigs, my hamsters. To see Abbie dying so horribly was traumatizing, and it's very hard to come home, and see the empty room with her food bowl and litterbox still there. We buried her by the riverbank, near to where my bro buried the guinea pig 4 years ago. Abigail, we will miss your raucous voice, your silly antics.

Taken last month, when she was on the road to recovery following near starvation, fleas, worms, runny nose and a fungal attack. She was the dirtiest stray that I have ever taken in.

Confrontation between the Tuff and Abbie. Love how Tuffie is a blob and Abbie is a stick :)

Abbie exploring my room. Tuffie did not approve.

These photos were taken just 2 days before she died:

Sniffing my pants, I had fried chicken for lunch that day :P and both cats found my pants to be exteeeeemely interesting.

A bit washed out by the flash, but I'm amused by Tuffie's laser eyes.

She'd gained her weight back, and was happy and healthy.

Slightly cross-eyed :D

Way to creep people out, cyclops kitty.

She'd put on so much weight, and her colour darkened considerably.

Cleaning her butt on my bed. Great.

And the last 2 shots before she left.

Goodbye Abigail.


megat said...

your blog very beautiful and more info

Unknown said...

Poor abi..... i was shocked too... i just dun believe it.... fr realy a strayyyyy cat.. look at her last pics...abi was well cared. am so sorry darling...sure dolce & babes missed her too. and Tuffy......

Ka Ann Nor Raihan said...

So sorry to hear about Abbie. Yeah, I still remember the first time you and Sophia tried to safe her from the stray world. And the next day me and my hubby met you at the store to buy soft food for her since she has lost her tooth. You are such an angel Winnie. We both admired the way you took care of her. Our heartfelt condolence to you. I know she will be remembered forever. I experienced the same thing many years back where my hubby was driving back from work and accidentally hit our female cat, Poppy. She had internal injuries as well but to our disappointment, she can't be saved! We mourned for her and buried her behind our house. She was such a clever cat. And to you Winnie, you have done so much to Abbie. Hope she rests in peace.

Winnie Cheng said...

Thanks for the condolences. It is hard when everyday I see her empty room, and every morning and evening I walk past the bloodstains on the ground :( Even the rain cannot wash it away...
But Tuffie helps make it better, she is happy now she is the queen of the house once again. :P