The Morning After...

This was yesterday, look at the size of her pupils!

She didn't have much appetite then, only ate some kibble and that's it. Man, this girl really turned on the diva today, it's all like, slow-mo' movements and lying on the balcony baking in the hot sun. But from her sleeping faces I think things are feeling better already for her.

She stank quite a bit yesterday, today I had the chance to give her an additional wipe down with a damp cloth. Now she smells like her original scent, cat spit.

All that wobbling, making me go out to buy wet food, then serve it mashed up in a porridge style so she can just lick the whole thing down and not have to chew...well, this was my reward :)

Here she has commandeered my dad's pencil case as a pillow...

Making any object, no matter how bony/awkward/hard it is seem comfortable, this is a cat's true talent. In addition to begging food and invading sleeping spaces of course. :P


Unknown said...

Awww Tuffie!
Well that's the exact attitude that Kim-Chee had...The sloooooow moving lump.
OMG, them eyes!!!


Winnie Cheng said...

We are in the possession of a couple of divalicious pets then aren't we? ;P Now we just gotta get a diva face-off between the two to find out who's the bigger whiner.

But I still vote your Kim-Chee...that snow incident just takes the cake.