Story of Tuffie: That Second Bit

This series of photos were taken just 2 days after bringing Bones (aka Tuffie) to the vet, she was still on painkillers at this point. Obviously she was feeling tons better. I gave her a little box to sleep it with an old shirt of mine. With a full belly and a 'comfy' bed, it took only mere minutes for her to launch into full Caturday.

Squished face!

The awkward middle stage, with bones sticking out at strange angles.

Formation of the Cat Lump stage.

Fourth stage: the Pretzel. Note the head angle...this is comfortable? -_-a

At this point nothing can rouse the sleeping feline except for the rustling of the food bag or call for food. This is also known as the 'Blackout'.

Next up in the Story of Tuffie: Drama - Tuffie's previous owners appear!

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