Tale of 2 Kittens: Part2/4

Babes was not always known as Babes. As is the case with most cats, she has had more than 1 name over the months. At first I took to calling her Crash Bandicoot, based on her clumsy personality and perchance for crashing into the sliding door glass (ouch!). After she and Dolce (previously known as Vader) were adopted she gained the name Tinkerbell, which later evolved to Babes, somehow. ;)

Here is a day in the life of Babes aka Tinkerbell aka Crash Bandicoot...

She's quite the photogenic kitten, just look at those little paws!

After the photo-op it's fun time all over the living room...

JANGAN PANDANG BELAKANG! (lol) Love how Dolce's eyes are glowing here.

Then it's time to terrorize the yellow fluffy toy...

Babes showing off her toy bashing skillz.

Time for another close-up portrait...

And it's time to terrorize Tuffie...

Next it's flying through Carebear-filled clouds chasing glittery feathers... (no she has not had the catnip yet)

Of course after all that flying through clouds and whatnot kitties get hungry, so it's dinner time! You can hear those little chompers going overtime.

After food comes sleep, naturally. If you are a cat that is. Here Babes is using her bro' as a comfy, warm pillow. Just look at that reclining 'tude there. :)

More to come in Part 3 and Part 4. Also check out Part 1 for full coverage of their early days!

Tale of 2 Kittens: Part 1/4

This is the long-overdue story of the 2 kittens - Dolce and Babes. Below is a recent shot of them playing on the sofa.
They were not always so glamorous, as is apparent in the photos below. Terribly cute though ;)

It all started when someone dumped their pregnant cat at the apartment... She birthed the kittens and kept them sheltered in a large potted fern downstairs.

In the beginning there were 4; a ginger, a tabby, a black and a black and white kitten. Quite the range of hues here. Comes from the mom's tortie/tabby looks I guess.

The ginger kitten was the most adventurous by far, and also the largest of the lot. At this point their eyes had just opened, so there was a lot of unfocused stumbling and trundling around.

And here we have Dolce, before he got upper respiratory infection that left him with crusty eyes.

Babes! Omg she's the cutest! She was the only female out of the litter, and also the tiniest kitten.

Babes chillin' with mommy.

Here Babesl is crashed out against her brother. Unfortunately, due to the ginger's adventurous nature, he was the first to cross over the drain to the parking lot, and got run over by a car :( His demise spurred me to think about fostering the remaining kittens.

Originally I intended to take all 3 kittens with me, but the tabby had been adopted by one of the workers so there was only Dolce and Babes left. One day I went down to feed them and it was raining. Mom cat was snug and dry under the roof, but the 2 kittens were out there shivering in the rain as they do not know how to cross the drain. I immediately brought them upstairs and kept them in the bathroom. Next day I went and got a cage for them.

Eventually I brought the mom cat up too, as she still had milk for them.

Kittens suckling! Later they would try to suck on my fingers too -_-

Awwww :D Getting washed by mom :)

I lost 2 rolls of toilet paper to these cheeky devils... -_-

I couldn't keep the mom cat as and Tuffie had an altercation (Tuff cat lost -_-) so in then end I had to bring her down again. :(

Anyways on to life with Babes and Dolce in Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4.

When Kittens Attack!!!

The kittens have returned!!! My colleague who kindly took them in is away on holiday, so the kittens are back to stay for 12 days!

Breakfast time, Tuffie and the kittens chowing down.

Oops, bad picture...Tuff, where's your head??!

After breakfast the kittens are unleashed to wreak havoc in the house. Here Babes is checking out the shrubbery.

Then it's playtime with the Tuff-cat!!!


Look at Babes pretending not to notice...

...the blob of cat that is condensing for an attack.

Surprise! Tuffie takes on a semi-gaseous state.

The result: staring contest over the pouf for half a minute...

Then Babes twitched and zoom! Tuffie was outta there.

Here Tuffie is chilling under the stereo speaker after that encounter. She is having so much fun with the kittens! :)

Cat-Related Birthday Presents

lol, I guess the fact that I'm a cat person is pretty well known in the office, this is what I got for my birthday:

Let's see, cat plushie, cat danglie, a book on cats. Well, the camera is for capturing cats of course... :P

3 books!!! I must be in bookworm heaven! I'm gonna have to ration these so they will last till December, when I get another shipment of books! (2 horror and 1 cat stories XD)

This plushie will accompany me at the office. :D

Now I'll need to get another pendrive so this danglie can have a home...lol. I should take a photo of all the cat things I now have around the place.

I've been scouting around for new camera since last year. I finally settled on this Lumix by Panasonic, not a bad choice for $190.

Here's the shot from the Lumix camera. It has 7.2 megapixels as opposed to the old Nikon with only 3.2 megapixels.

And here's the aged Nikon, pushing 6 years of service. I believe the photo count was reset 3 times... (it resets after 9,999 shots)

All the photos in this blog up till now have been taken with this camera.

I don't think I will completely discontinue using the Nikon, my brother might take it since he has no camera. For now it will be relegated to the gadget retirement box.

And what does Tuffie have to say about the new Lumix? Tongue on nose, great. At least the box smelt good.

Abigail At Play!

Here's Abbie having a bit of fun with the cat toy... at first she was like...what do I do with it...then the hunting instinct kicked in and off we go! At first she would growl when she caught the toy, but now she realised that it it just play and does fantastic leaps and bounds. It's amazing to see her transform from starving scruffy street cat to domesticated, spoiled feline.

Abbie giving some evil eyes...that toy's gonna get it!

The sparkly feather-duster was the first to go.

2 toys at once! Oh my.

As you can see for a while both Abbie and Tuffie had a collar revival. However that didn't last long. Tuffie managed to jam her front paw into her collar. Luckily I was playing with her when it happened, and was able to free her immediately. Needless to say all the collars went off that night.

Tuffie's Reaction

This is a bit late, happened 2 weeks ago, lol. But I've been too busy with my website to update this blog. Anways, speaking of websites, winniecheng.net is finally up. Has all me art stuff, feedback and comments are most welcome!

Back to the topic at hand, Tuffie wasn't too pleased to see Abbie around the house. She was reclining on the bed, and when she saw Abbie she got up and veeeery slooooowly made her way to the hidey place...

Here she is pausing for a look.

Zoom! That face is bad news...

Seriously, she was mooooooving sooooo sloooowly, as if to say, nothing threatening here...just a blob of a cat slooooowly making her way to hide. I'll try to embed the video once I figure out how to do that.

And the object of Tuffie's ire is chillaxin' on the cool parquet floor...

Abigail is looooong. Much like Rover.

Catching sunbeams

Before we forget who this blog is originally all about:

Tuffie glowing in the morning sun.


Simple pleasures are the best. :)

Up next - Tuffie's reaction to Abbie! And long overdue are the pics of the kittens!