Loaf Cat

Impersonating loaf of bread. It's a cold Caturday.

Cat Rump.

Round butt.

Eyargh, am feelin' just a little under the weather these few days... ok it's the bloody flu. Ack. My brain is all sorts of wobbly. Feels like a load of cotton wool bouncing around by skull. By the way, de bose is blocked too. Yay.

A Purrrfect Life

Tuffie enjoying the scenery from 12 floors up. My mom has this Hokkien saying to describe her propitious situation: "like an earthworm burrowed into fertile soil". Too true.

A Christmas Aftermath...

Whoo I got Christmas pressies! Very lucky of me considering I don't really celebrate Christmas, being a Buddhist and all. But hey tis the season to give and be merry so there's nothing wrong with that :D And of course receiving pressies means I've got to share them...

Dis bloodred heart, it has arms.

After taste and claw testing the plush heart, she went back to gnawing on her own plush belly.

Next up - cutestest beaded panda purse! Look at that intense gaze of extreme interest. Yawn :P

Aww she just fakin' :P That one got a couple of soft kronches.

3rd item is a book. Full of blank pages. Ready to be filled up with whatever creepy drawings I can muster. :D *evil cackles* Naw, it's too pretty...I'll keep it pristine, for now.

And I got a set of 4 bookmarks that did not photograph well at all. They are basedoff chinese opera masks and are of skinny shiny metal, total pain with my camera.

Happy Holidays!!!

Eheheh, missed a post yesterday. Caturday came early and swept me away before I knew what was happening :P I spent Christmas Eve at my friend's place, and we had mucho giggles. And now, on to the big giggle:

She's baaaaack! No better present this holiday season than to get my precious back. She is eating, meowing, snorgling and playing now. Her belly is back to that round shape :D

Our collective silky paws.

Awwww, look at that udder - oops, I mean, gut.


I haven't had my breakfast yet I am all jolly. Feeling the spirit of the season I suppose. Have a good one everybody!!!

The Morning After...

This was yesterday, look at the size of her pupils!

She didn't have much appetite then, only ate some kibble and that's it. Man, this girl really turned on the diva today, it's all like, slow-mo' movements and lying on the balcony baking in the hot sun. But from her sleeping faces I think things are feeling better already for her.

She stank quite a bit yesterday, today I had the chance to give her an additional wipe down with a damp cloth. Now she smells like her original scent, cat spit.

All that wobbling, making me go out to buy wet food, then serve it mashed up in a porridge style so she can just lick the whole thing down and not have to chew...well, this was my reward :)

Here she has commandeered my dad's pencil case as a pillow...

Making any object, no matter how bony/awkward/hard it is seem comfortable, this is a cat's true talent. In addition to begging food and invading sleeping spaces of course. :P

Tuffie Is Gone...

...to da vetz. She'll be back around 3-4pm today. It's only been what, 1 hour and I already miss her terribly :( Man, how am I ever gonna go on vacation without bringing this furball along?!

*update 4:30pm* Tuffie is Baaack! Whew, what an ordeal. She was a spitting, hissing terrified mess when I went back to pick her up. Such an aggressive cat - she gave poor Dr. Wallace some grief; scratched him while he was giving her a jab. I do feel a bit bad as I should've trimmed her nails before...but he took the liberty of cutting them down while she was out.

She's a huge-eyed wobbly thing now, but at least she's resting comfortably. I saw her fidgeting just now and gave her the litter box, boy did she really have to pee. -_- I don't blame her, now she's snoozing in her box.

That's the best shot you are gonna get today ppl! Poor dear, she must be feeling awful now. I remember how I'd felt after surgery...all sorts of dizzyness. Well, I'm sure she'll be back to her boisterous self by tomorrow, then we can get a closer look at that shaved potbelly ;P

Uugh Back To Work...

It's just non-stop snoozing with this one...

Consolation is, tomorrow is Caturday (for realz). Unfortunately I am having a bit of anxiety today as tomorrow is also the date set to get Tuffie spayed. Wish her a smooth surgery and speedy recovery!

Caturday Comes Early!!!


- Princess Cat -

Whooo, I slept till 10. What a feeling. I remember a time when I used to be able to sleep till 12 or 2pm. Then there was one Summer where I totally skewed my sleep pattern...bed at 6am and conciousness at 4pm. I only had night classes then, and I do prefer being awake at night. Boy did I make myself sick.

Now I'm going on a Bleach anime binge with my bro, aye, what better way to spend an early Caturday than an all-day anime binge? We are sooooo gonna make ourselves ill!

Sunning / Courting Danger

What does she think she is, a monkey??? I'm always worried that the rare eagle that flies around the place will be tempted to pluck her for a morsel...a 5kg morsel. That will be one plummeting bunch of feathers and fur...

That's the pool 12 floors below her. Shimmery water.

Last night my dad had a dream that Tuffie was sitting at the very edge and looking down with great intention, like she always does in the waking world. Sad to say this cat is even starting to affect us at the subconcious level.

Pining for Caturday...

Uuugh, I'm just gonna sleep thru the week...wake me up next year, k?

Exactly my expression this morning...except I have eye bags to go with insufficient sleep. Also I'm not covered with soft fur and replete with whiskers. No I'm not.

Totally off-topic: I did have a major breakthrough today. There was a particular song that was infrequently on the radio, and for more than 1 month it has snagged my ear neither betraying the name nor the artists of the song. The accent in the song was also too heavy for me to pick out coherent lyrics. Gah the FRUSTRATION!

Well, this afternoon the song came on, and I hung on to every (word). I managed to get 3 lines and , luck of luck, I deciphered the name of the song from the Dj's garbled speech. This was followed by some frantic googling with the name "Heartbeats" and the verse "we had a promise made" and bingo! Finally. The song is "Heartbeats" by "The Knife", a Swedish brother and sis combo. Originally I had trawled for songs under Bjork's name, then Robyn (I wasn't too far off there, she's Swedish as well, and had a fair bit of electronica going on). And there you have it, the fulfillment of my shallow life.

They seem like an interesting pair, I'm gonna check out the other videos they have.

Heartbeats was also covered by another dude, José Gonzales, and was subsequently used in a Sony Bravia ad:
Sony Bravia Balls Ad
I must admit I like those Bravia ads, it was all I could do not to squeal in delight at the thousands of bouncing colourful rubber balls pelting down a hill. Fun! :D Also their other ad with the paint explosion at an apartment building is a good watch. :)
The Paint Ad

Ok, that's more than enough from me, gotta go and feed the cat. so that it may grow and eclipse all life therefore attaining planethood. Seriously, we are not that far off. -_-

How Does Your Cat Sit?

Rather awkwardly in this case.

But oh so contented.

She's like...a turkey shaped thing...I'm at a loss for descriptors. But isn't that pose just a little bit uncomfortable?

Rover Again

Moar from Rover on this beautiful Sunday!

This is how he often spends his days, curled up on my comforter.

Rover being one of the many floor debris I had to navigate around during unpacking...Incidentally this was after Anime North, hence the anime/manga themed debris.

Silly moment over, cute moment in.

Intro: Rover

In case you guys are getting sick of Tuffie :P and for variety's sake here's Rover! I first met Rover in May of 2006, fresh from finishing my Uni and waiting for graduation. I had moved off campus and he was the cat of my housemate, Christie. Christie is a very busy girl, and she is often out while I am more hermit-like, thus Rover and I spend 4 happy months together. :P He's a young cat with quite a unique history; Christie's previous housemate came from India, and brought along a cat. The details are blurry now but I think the cat was pregnant at the time and had her litter in Canada. And Rover was one of the wee kittens.

This is the first week since I'd moved in, it was still very cold and the heater has been shut off in the house. Rover tended to sleep like that, with one paw covering his nose.

Aw maaaan, those were the days. Pre-work and pre-Tuffie Caturdays aaaaaall week.

I found Rover napping in my storage box, so I added Nemo and I must say they fit perfectly!

Awwwwww. Notice the sparkle in Rover's eyes match with Nemo's! Uncanny.

In case anyone's notticed, the reason why some of the photos may have a pinkish cast is 'cause I installed one bright pink curtain in my room. Eeck. Putting up the rails were a real pain, especially for someone as short as I am. In the end the curtains ended up trailing a couple of inches on the floor... Bah, I just wanted to explain why there is always a pink filter on Rover's photos :P

Sun Bloated

Soaking up rays on the balcony (and also casting prodigious shadows).

Snubbing Her Nose at Danger

'nuff said, 12 floors up and so what.

Huh? You what? I might fall? Don't be silly, that ledge is more than enough for me to prance my silky paws on. We cats are masters of balance, don't worry.

Yet seeing her do that every time still gives me cold sweats. Of course she only does that to drive me crazy, she is quite the tormentor of humans.


*is Ded*

She didn't wake, not even when I poked her nose. Such utter dedication to sleep, you gotta give her props for that.

Story of Tuffie: There's a fourth bit?

Well, not exactly a forth bit. The story of Tuffie is after all, still being written. Woah, knew I shouldn't have been reading my collection of old horror stories before posting this...but I was in the mood for some archaic morbidity. Anyways enough about me, here's on to the star:

Compare her skeletal frame to the chunk of flab she is now...but it's a healthy weight!

Flipping in the sun. Kittehs have mastered the art of sun-basting long before - they know when to flip to ensure even roasting. Ever huff a freshly sun-roasted cat? They smell absolutely delicious :P

Even back then, she was already prone to sleeping in hilarious poses, to the amusement of her new family. She's starting to flesh out in this photo. However even now, her hind legs are really weak and she can't jump much. To get onto a chair, she actually pulls herself up with her front paws instead of (gracefully) levitating onto the chair.

Oh well, whatever. Tuffie knows what she's got and uses it fully - sleep perfection. That and blaring her eight nipples to the world.

Her colour is still pale here, it didn't really darken to a rich smoked brown until her body shape blobbed out. :) Her white is also pure white now, helped in way by a few feet dipping (she doesn't tolerate full baths) and scrubbing with a damp cloth. Seriously, this kitteh gets full spa treatment at bath time - nice steaming scrub, then manicure/pedicure, and finally a good ear clean-out. Wish I can get pampered like that too...without paying. You know, just for being my cute self. *-*


"The Cat-Whale has Beached itself on the Upper Section of the Sofa"

Story of Tuffie: 3rd Chapter

Tuffie had finished the painkillers and continued to get better - regaining mobility, putting on weight and growing fur. It wasn't obvious at that point but now that I can compare the current Tuffie to what she was like before the were marked changes due to her undernourished state. Her colour for instance, was a lot paler then.

Colour or otherwise, it didn't stop her from enjoying plush carpeted surfaces.

Look at her then! Compare her to the chub she is now...what a difference food makes eh?

Side view. In addition to growing meat and fur, she also grew an impressive bristling set of whiskers to go with her new girth :P

She is quite a dainty cat, so much so that I mistook her for a kitten...it was only much later that the prominent nipples and massive paunch showed that she had carried a litter before. Tuffie is roughly 5 years old now.

Gosh, now that is a prosh pose. Noticed the tucked hind leg. She still has a nagging spot on her left back paw, I presume that's where the injury was sited. She would worry and chew that particular patch of fur wet during cleaning.

It was mid July when the maintenance worker came up and informed me that her previous owners have returned and they want her back. It was quite an emotionally shattering experience as I am very attached to this cat, and was also going through some tumultuous personal drama. I insisted that they come up to talk to me as I won't be giving the cat up. So I got to meet Tuffie's ex-owners, and it was from them that I found out her name - they named her Tuffie as in 'tough' for her tenacity. She was a stray kitten in Kuala Lumpur when they adopted her. They also told me her age and that the white cat which was always with her is her son.

They were staying in the apartment block next to mine, but had to move suddenly and left the cats to fend for themselves downstairs. Tuffie would have been fine if she wasn't so fussy with food (she insisted on chicken instead of the fish that is usually fed) and if she wasn't so used to domestic life already. She was very well trained as far as toilet and exhibits good behaviour like not scratching up furniture and the like.

They are a very nice couple. They had a lot of cats before but had re-homed most of them before they'd moved. Unfortunately Tuffie and her son were left behind, and they have now come to bring her to their in-laws place where she would be cared for like a queen. I didn't want to give Tuffie up, especially to people who had abandoned her before. I told them frankly that my whole family has become really attached to the cat. But I asked them if they want to see Tuffie, and a really sweet thing happened - I called for her and Tuffie ran meowing to the couple, head-butted them and proceeded to cuddle at the guy's feet. After some discussion, and as it seems she is in good hands, they consented to me keeping her and said goodbye to her. After they left this loyal thing searched around for them, and after a while she went back to the usual routine of things.

Story of Tuffie: That Second Bit

This series of photos were taken just 2 days after bringing Bones (aka Tuffie) to the vet, she was still on painkillers at this point. Obviously she was feeling tons better. I gave her a little box to sleep it with an old shirt of mine. With a full belly and a 'comfy' bed, it took only mere minutes for her to launch into full Caturday.

Squished face!

The awkward middle stage, with bones sticking out at strange angles.

Formation of the Cat Lump stage.

Fourth stage: the Pretzel. Note the head angle...this is comfortable? -_-a

At this point nothing can rouse the sleeping feline except for the rustling of the food bag or call for food. This is also known as the 'Blackout'.

Next up in the Story of Tuffie: Drama - Tuffie's previous owners appear!